First of all, congratulations! We’ve got a beautiful Chapel, Gazebo,
and grounds where you can have your wedding!

What We Believe About Marriage
The Staff of Central Wesleyan Church is committed to building marriages, not simply performing wedding ceremonies.
We believe that God ordained the marriage relationship. We further believe that marriage is a holy institution created by Him for the mutual satisfaction of husband and wife and the orderly propagation of the human race. Therefore, we believe that the only marriage relationship is between one man and one woman. It is our conviction that the stability of this union is based, not on a series of vows, but on an enduring selfless and spiritual commitment of husband and wife to each other and to the Lord they serve. It is, therefore, entered into only after careful consideration and preparation. We especially strive to nurture our people to see the value and symbolism of keeping themselves pure before the Lord and subsequently united by marriage in this house of worship.
We believe that no relationship, especially marriage, can be fully successful without being wholly committed to Jesus Christ. Unless you look to Him as your source of love and commitment, you can never fully experience the ecstasy, the satisfaction, the joy and the exciting adventure God has planned for your marriage.
It is for that reason we limit our involvement with weddings to those where both the man and the woman either have a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ and can talk about that relationship openly, or are willing to consider accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
We believe that as we follow God’s plan, success is a natural result. We look forward to sharing with you in this process. If you have any questions, please email us at

*Images by Dear Olive Photography
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