
There is an imminent struggle to settle into the divided life. It happens when we show a public persona that is different than our personal one. It happens when we don’t fully give ourselves to our work or to our current relationships. It happens when we don’t strive to be the kind of person God created us to be. We weren’t created to live like this. We were created to live life fully. Whether it’s in our personal lives, our relationships or within the church. We are stronger and healthier when we live UNIFIED.


Power Changes Everything
June 08, 2014 | Chris Conrad

Valuing the Journey
June 01, 2014 | Brad Gray

Making Marriage Work
May 25, 2014 | Mike McKay

Take this Job and? Love it!
May 18, 2014 | Chris Conrad

Mr. Miyagi's Relationship Tips
May 04, 2014 | Chris Conrad

Crooked to Straight
April 27, 2014 | Brad Gray

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